How to Find New Suppliers You Can Trust: An Essential Guide for Construction Companies

a construction hard hat to represent how to find new suppliers

It’s an unprecedented time for businesses, especially construction companies. Like everyone, they have been affected by material shortages, transportation issues, staff shortages and rising costs, but the construction industry has added pressures. Rising material costs make it extremely difficult to quote for future projects while still having a profit margin, and sub-contractor availability has dropped to the point where many companies can’t find suppliers to help them deliver these projects.

While there are some things that we can’t control – inflation being a big one – it’s important to take action with the things that we can. One of those being, finding suppliers that you can trust for your construction projects. Here’s how to find new suppliers who can help you deliver, every time.

Find high-quality suppliers with Constructionline

Constructionline is the UK’s leading procurement and supply chain management scheme. Or, in simpler terms, it’s the largest network of construction procurement professionals, connecting buyers and suppliers who have been pre-qualified to ensure they meet all the necessary compliance standards and regulations.

This means, if you’re wondering how to find new suppliers for your next project, you can access nearly 20,000 construction professionals across more than 1,500 contractors. All of which are guaranteed to work safely, efficiently and to a high standard.

Two contractors to represent how to find new suppliers

What does this mean for you?

✔️ Find suppliers you can trust

If your supplier doesn’t deliver on their part of the project, then your organisation’s reputation is at risk. By using ConstructionLine, you can find new suppliers who are right for your business and who you can trust to provide you with everything you need.

✔️ Keep everyone safe on-site

It’s your responsibility to provide a safe site for everyone working on it – so you need to check that your suppliers have a strong track record regarding health and safety. On ConstructionLine, you can find many suppliers with a Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSiP) accreditation, which means they meet high safety standards and have their policies and working practices regularly reviewed.

✔️ Deliver to a high standard

Quality is a significant issue within the construction industry, so to make sure that your company is known for quality work, ensure your suppliers can deliver to the same high standards. Look for suppliers with quality management certifications like ISO 9001, as this will show you that they have robust quality management systems and processes.

✔️ Remain financially stable

Materials shortages, price increases, and the ongoing issue of late payment in the construction industry are causing many suppliers to go out of business. It’s therefore crucial to carefully review a supplier’s financial status and security before signing a contract with them – because you don’t want them to bust in the middle of a project!

On ConstructionLine, all suppliers are pre-qualified from their financials and insurances to their policies and values, so you can be sure that they are all financially stable.

construction men to represent how to find new suppliers

Applied Products is a Constructionline Gold Member

ConstructionLine is the best tool to use if you’re wondering how to find new suppliers you can trust. As they verify all of their suppliers beforehand and over time, you can rest assured knowing that they will deliver on your projects to the highest safety and quality standards.

If you need help with your next contract or construction project, please contact us directly or through ConstructionLine. We’ve recently been accredited with Gold Level, which means we have been subjected to increased scrutiny and met the standard needed for governance and risk management.

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