For the first time in almost 11 weeks, things are starting to move forward as we ease out of lockdown; schools are due to start up again, businesses are preparing to open up, and soon we will get our first glimpse into what the ‘new normal’ will look like.
While this is a relief for many business owners and the economy as a whole, this next stage of the pandemic doesn’t come without its own set of challenges. Challenges that, over the next few weeks and months, could make or break a business.
To help employers be prepared, be ready, and be safe while they prepare to open up again, here is a quick guide to returning to work after lockdown.
The main challenges for business owners now
As we said, businesses aren’t just going to open up as usual with the regular flurry of customers coming through the doors. The next few weeks and months are going to be a slow transition.
As well as having to comply with all the new COVID-safety regulations, business owners will also have the challenge of building trust with people and supporting their wellbeing. People are scared, people are or have been potentially traumatised by the impact of COVID, and this is going to have a significant effect on people as workers and consumers.
So, with this in mind, to prepare your business for this ‘new normal’ and to keep your business growing and moving forward in the months ahead, business owners and employers need to address two critical issues for those returning to work after lockdown:
You need to keep your staff safe and you need to make them feel safe
You need to keep your customers safe and you need to make them feel safe
It is your responsibility, your duty as a business owner and/or employer to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your staff, and if you want customers to return, then you need to build trust. Making people feel safe at a time of such uncertainty and fear is the key for business at this stage. If people feel safe and they trust you, then the much higher chance they will return to buy from you.
3 ways to keep your workers and customers safe
If you’re going to help your employees return to work with confidence and make your customers feel safe, you need to consider the following safety and security measures.
1. Screens, shields & signs
The big safety areas when it comes to social distancing in the workplace is keeping staff and customers separate (via screens or visors) and guiding customers to stay 2 metres from each other (via signs and floor markings). This can be done with the following products:
- Protection blinds and screens – roller blinds can be pulled down from the ceiling while screens are fixed into place. Both act as a transparent barrier between a staff member and the customer, they are bespoke to any shape and size, can be easily installed and removed, and are easy to clean and sanitise. Screens are ideal for more flexible areas such as vehicles, small openings, and face visors. Watch this video here to see how they are made and secured to any area.
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- Printed floor stickers – printed, self-adhesive, slip-resistant floor markings are necessary to help your customers and employees find their way by ensuring areas are clearly marked and social distancing is abided by. These stickers can be used both internally and externally with both pre-set and bespoke designs available.
- Printed signage – printed, self-adhesive signage or stickers are necessary to remind both staff members and customers about the new COVID safety measures (e.g. “entry with facemasks only,” “limited number of people up to 4,” and “disinfection point” etc). Signs can be used both internally and externally with both pre-set and bespoke designs available.
Want to find out more?
See here for the back to work essentials and contact Rhian at Applied Products for further information.
01792 895 730
2. Fever screening technology & remote access CCTV
One of the safety measures that you will potentially need in place as we are returning to work from lockdown is fever screening technology. This can help you identify any staff members who have a fever so that you can send them home to isolate and prevent any potential spread. If your business involves interacting with customers, couriers or other tradespeople etc, this technology can also be used to monitor the temperatures of anyone entering your premises.
CCTV that you can access remotely is also a smart investment at this time. Not only does it deter crime for the remainder of lockdown and any time your premises is empty, but it also allows you to monitor your site and assets without having to physically be there. At a time where only essential travel is prohibited, being able to view your site, detect any motion, and respond to false alarms is invaluable for both safety and security.
Want to find out more?
If you need to discuss remote monitoring or want advice about fever screening technology, contact Dez at H3 Group for further information.
0800 389 2288
3. Security guarding for social distancing control
One challenge that many businesses will face over the next few weeks is crowd control. Social distancing is something that all businesses will need to comply with, especially in situations where people are queuing outside and you are limiting how many can be inside, so this is where security guards may become necessary.
As the transition to normality will most likely be a slow one, people may become frustrated or angry with social distancing measures. To keep all potential customers and staff safe, security guards can easily help you to enforce and maintain the necessary protective measures.
Want to find out more?
You can take advantage of temporary security contracts to ensure that you have emergency security cover for as long as you need it. Contact Becky & Gemma at RGM Security for more information.
01792 293 249
Be prepared, Be ready, Be safe
Returning to work after lockdown doesn’t have to full of panic and unease. If you just prepare now over the next few weeks and implement the right measures, you will be ready to keep your staff and customers safe.
Address these challenges that you are likely to face now so that you can overcome them later.
As part of helping businesses make it through this difficult time, Applied Product’s is partnering with other local South Wales businesses to provide safety & security to businesses at risk. If you or someone you know is struggling at this time, please contact us; we can help to ease the pressure.
01792 895 730